Daily Services for Friday

David ia vey sick and ubable ay this time to continue.


Friday 29 May

Day of Prayer for the Ministry of the Church and Ordinands

Click on the Day for the Recording of the Office

Friday Morning Prayer with Old Testament reading

Friday Morning Prayer without Old Testament reading

Psalm 144
2 Chronicles 22:10 – 23:end
Romans 3:1-20 (Text of NT reading)
Poor recording quality

Friday Evening Prayer with Old Testament reading       

Friday Evening Prayer without Old Testament reading

Ps 145
Joshua 5:2-end
Luke 10:1-16 (Text of NT reading)
Poor ecording quality

For the text -http://anglicanprayerbook.nz/054 - scroll to Friday pages 84 to 89

Today's Blog:

The week's sermon

Sermon for Pentecost

(Audio File}

Text of the sermon
Note: Audio recording made in hospital through internal mic and some difficulty in speaking.

Night Prayer for Friday

text http://anglicanprayerbook.nz/167.html

Morning Meditation


Evening Meditation



Meditation archive