It is with heavy hearts, mingled with hope of the reunion that is yet to come, that we inform you of the death of Revd David Guthrie on 9th of June 2015 after a short illness.

As Davids family we are looking to restore the Morning and Evening Prayer offices, and will do so as soon as we can make this the focus of our attention. We ask in the interim for your prayers for strength in our time of loss, and welcome your words of encouragement and comment on the impact of David's ministry in your own lives. 


Morning and Evening Prayer


Click here to access the latest recorded daily prayer offices. There are two for each day - morning and evening.



David's Blog




Archived Offices

Archived Meditations


For the kids: Stories of Three Snails


The New Testament read by David Guthrie -download or stream

Order through ClassicsOnline Enter "David Guthrie" in the search box.

Tracks and albums also available from other digital download services (Note:iTunes expensive)


Radio Interview