Daily Services for Monday


Monday 25 May

Click on the Day for the Recording

From today, Morning and Evening Prayer will be offered in two versions, one with and the other without the Old Testament reading. The full text of the New Testament reading is now provided below.

Monday Morning Prayer with the Old Testament reading
Monday Morning Prayer without the Old Testament reading

Psalm 126
2 Chronicles 17:1-12
Romans 1:1-17 (Text of NT reading)

Monday Evening Prayer with the Old Testament reading

Monday Evening Prayer without the Old Testament reading

Psalm 127
Joshua 1
Luke 9:18-27 (Text of NT reading)

For the text -http://anglicanprayerbook.nz/054 - scroll to Monday pages 63-68

The week's sermon

Sermon for Pentecost

(Audio File}

Text of the sermon

Blog for today:Changes

Night Prayer for Monday

text http://anglicanprayerbook.nz/167.html

Morning Mediation

Evening Mediation

Meditation archive